Saturday, 23 July 2011

John's Blog Space

John's Blog Space


Posted: 22 Jul 2011 11:02 PM PDT

Why do I blog about failure? Why do I even bother posting about downfalls we endure? One major reason is because not everything in life is happy and carefree. Often times, my own disappointments make me want to empower others who live with disappointment and failure to have a better overall look on life. Some people feel like they can never succeed in life. They are always second best when they know and act towards being the very best. My hope in such blog posts is that I can help others...

There is MUCH more to this blog post! Read the full post to see the rest of this post and to comment on my work!

Screw Up (or Screwup)

Posted: 22 Jul 2011 09:53 PM PDT

Ever feel like you bring bad luck to everything? Ever feel like you are cancer to a certain group of people? Being a screw up (and being recognized as one) ruins your self-esteem around others. Almost as if you potentially ruin everything you touch and affect, thereby making you feel unimportant. If you know you are a better person, but still get treated like you fail at everything, it is almost as if you are a time bomb- an impending explosion of failure is due to strike at any time. If...

There is MUCH more to this blog post! Read the full post to see the rest of this post and to comment on my work!

Rebecca Black

Posted: 22 Jul 2011 07:37 PM PDT

Rebecca Black is someone whom just came out of nowhere for many people. I read about her looking through the July/August edition of Teen Vogue magazine. Here is someone who just came mostly out of nowhere to gain stardom. Here is someone who is basically a High School student from Orange County, California, USA who comes up with a record deal and a song. Next thing you know it, she gets some crazy face time. How has the public responded? Depending on who you ask, Rebecca has gotten...

There is MUCH more to this blog post! Read the full post to see the rest of this post and to comment on my work!

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